Daniel Van Voorhis
Daniel van Voorhis was born August 30, 1751 in Oyster Bay Nassau, New York. From 1782-1784 he worked as an independent gold and silversmith in Princeton, New Jersey. From 1784-1785, Van Voorhis was part of the partnership Van Voorhis, Bayley and Coley in New York City. From 1785-1787, the partnership was known as Van Voorhis and Coley. From 1786-1788, Van Voorhis also was the mint master at Rupert Bennington, Vermont. He worked in the partnership Van Voorhis & Schenck from 1791 forward, and was joined by his son in 1797-1798. He was the Customshouse weigher in Brooklyn from 1805-1819. He died June 10, 1824 in Brooklyn Kings, New York. (Source: Ralph and Terry Kovel, A Directory of American Silver, Pewter and Silver Plate (New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1961), p. 275)