Peter Elloian
Peter Elloian was born April 20, 1936, in Cleveland, OH. He attended Denison University in Granville, OH, from 1954-55 and the Cleveland Institute of Art from 1955-57 and 1959-61 where he received his diploma. During the years 1957-59 he served in the U.S. Army, stationed in Ulm, Germany. In 1962, he received his BFA degree from the Cleveland Institute of Art in painting and printmaking. He then attended the University of Iowa, earning an MFA degree in printmaking.
Elloian was an instructor at the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Toledo Museum of Art and the University of Toledo. He also worked as an instructor in printmaking at the Lacoste School of Arts in France. He did research and additional study at the Pratt Graphic Center in New York City, the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts, and Tamarind Institute.
Works by Elloian are included in the collections of the Library of Congress, Dayton Art Institute, Minnesota Museum of Art, Albrecht Art Museum, Philadelphia Museum of Art, and the New York Public Library. He has received numerous awards and commendations for his art and been given grants for continued work.
The engraving by Elloian in the Fine Arts Collection was acquired after he exhibited his prints at Luther in 1979.
Ref: Who’s Who in American Art; Fine Arts Collection files