Martha K. Schauer
"A renowned artist in her own right, Miss Schauer was listed in Who's Who in American Art. For 30 years she directed the Saturday School of the Dayton Art Institute and was directly involved in teaching there….she was the first art teacher of Dayton-born cartoonist Milton Caniff. She retired in 1957 after teaching 45 years at Stivers High School, where she served as art instructor, art department head, dean of women and assistant principal. In 1978, Dayton Mayor James H. McGee named Miss Schauer 'Dayton's patron saint of art.' As a former Dayton Art Institute trustee, she was a crusader for DAI memberships, educational services and funds. In addition to her work with the Art Institute, she was also a founder, past president and oldest member of the Dayton Society of Painters and Sculptors." (Source: "Martha Schauer dies; artist, teacher," The Dayton Daily News (March 10, 1985), n.p.)