Ervin Marton
Ervin Marton was born on June 17, 1912, in Budapest, Hungary. He took courses at the Omike Drawing School and studied at the Budapest Arts and Crafts Institute from 1934 to 1937. Very early on, he took up photography, making portraits of gypsies from around the countryside. In 1936 and 1937, two exhibits in Budapest featured his graphic work. He soon emigrated to Paris where he was quickly absorbed into the ebullient avant-garde groups of writers and artists including Kertesz and Brassai (with whom he remained close friends). He was very active in the Hungarian group of French "Resistance". He was awarded the Medaille de la Resistance. A posthumous retrospective was held at the "Nemzeti
Galéria", the National Gallery, in Budapest shortly after his death in 1968. His work is in many museums as well as corporate and private collections. The Stephen Cohen Gallery is proud to represent the Estate.