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Andre Rouveyre

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Andre RouveyreFrench

A leading early twentieth century French writer, designer and graphic artist, Andre Rouveyre studied at the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Paris. During the first years of the twentieth century Andre Rouveyre established himself as a leading avant guarde writer and designer. A close friend of Apollinaire, Rouveyre championed the controversial art of such future masters as Picasso, Bracque and Matisse. Matisse and Rouveyre often worked together and Matisse created a famous portrait of him.

Andre Rouveyre's talents are best known in the field of the book arts. Many of his finest works in this medium are both written by him and illustrated with original woodcuts, linocuts or lithographs. Some of his more famous works are, Visages des Contemporains (1913), Le Gynecee, Phedre and Repli (1947).

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Andre Rouveyre