BiographyThe Pima /?pi?m?/ (or Akimel O'odham also spelled Akimel O'otham) are a group of American Indians living in an area consisting of what is now central and southern Arizona.The Modern Reservation as of 1859 is called the Gila River Indian Community. The long name, "Akimel O'odham", (formerly known as Pima) of Eastern Papagueria and the Hia C-ed O'odham ("Sand Dune People", formerly known as Sand Papagos or Sand Pimas) of the Western Papagueria. They are also closely related to another river people, the Sobaipuri, whose descendants still reside on the San Xavier Indian Reservation or Wa:k (together with the Tohono O'odham, formerly known as Papagos) and in the Salt River Indian Commmunity. The short name, "Pima" is believed to have come from the phrase pi 'añi mac or pi mac, meaning "I don't know," used repeatedly in their initial meeting with Europeans