David Huchthausen
American, born 1952
Huchthausen was awarded a Fulbright Research Scholarship to the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, Austria in 1977 and 1978. He lectured across Europe and worked with the J and L Lobmeyr studios where he produced a well-known series of multi-layered fantasy vessels. He was Design Director of Milropa Studios in New York from 1978 to 1980 and Associate Professor of Art and Direcor of Glass Programs at Tennessee Tech University from 1980 to 1989. In addition to teaching, Huchthausen has organized and curated numerous national and international glass exhibition and served as Curatorial and Acquisitions consultant to the Woodson Art Museum in Wausau, Wisconsin.
Today Huchthausen creates sculpture in his Seattle studio. He has also renovated several historic buildings, including the 150,000 square foot Bemis Brothers Bag Building, where studio space is leased to other artists. Huchthausen work has been included in hundreds of one-man and group shows worldwide and is documented in many books and catalogs. His backgrounds in architecture is obvious in his sculpture. Impeccable craftmanship and an interplay between refracted light and shadow create intricate illusions that draw the viewer into the work.
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