Theodor Hofmeister
German, 1865 - 1943
The Hofmeisters clearly met the demands of theorists like Alfred Lichtwark and Ernst Juhl for an ‘artistic’ photography that would go beyond the mere reproduction of reality. But their non-naturalistic colours, sometimes near-abstract simplification of forms—already, for example, in Marsh Flowers (1897)—and use of integral frames matched modern tendencies in the visual arts generally. Like the contemporary graphic revival and the rise of the large-format watercolour, their claim to wall space, salon-worthiness, and serious prices challenged the hallowed supremacy of the oil painting.
— Robin Lenman
Kopanski, K. W., and Philipp, C. G. (eds.), Meisterwerke russischer und deutscher Kunstphotographie um 1900: Sergei Lobovikov und die Brüder Hofmeister (1999)
Person TypeIndividual
- male