Nancy Burson
American, born 1948
Burson is best known for her pioneering work in morphing technology, which age enhances the human face, enabling law enforcement officials to locate missing children and adults. Her Human Race Machine, which allows people to view themselves as a different race, was featured on Oprah in 2006. Currently there are Human Race Machines touring the U.S. college and university market, as a diversity tool that provides students with the profound visual experience of being another race.
In the last few years she has collaborated with Creative Time, the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, and Deutsche Bank in completing several important public art projects in New York City. These projects include the billboard "There's No Gene For Race" and the poster/postcard project "Focus on Peace." The LMCC's "Focus on Peace" project distributed 30,000 postcards and 7,000 posters around the site of the World Trade Center to coincide with the first anniversary of 9/11. Burson's first text-based book, Focus: How Your Energy Can Change the World, was published in 2004, and she has authored four books of her photography. As a photographer, writer, inventor, healer, and minister, Burson lectures and teaches worldwide, providing first hand experience with the unseen.
Person TypeIndividual
- female