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for Janusz Walentynowicz
Janusz Walentynowicz
American, born 1967
BORN: Dygowo, Poland, 1966
Skolen For Brugskunst, Copenhagen, Denmark
Illinois State University, Normal, IL
AWARDS (selected):
The Virginia A. Groot Foundation Grant
The Marshal Dulaney Pitcher Art Award
The Elisabeth Stein Art Scholarship
Knud Høgards Fond
The Friends of the Arts Talent Grant
COLLECTIONS (selected):
Her Majesty The Queens Collection, Copenhagen, Denmark
Ebeltoft Glasmuseum, Ebeltoft, Denmark
Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, NY
Arkansas Arts Center Foundation Collection, Little Rock, AK
American Craft Museum, New York, NY
Collection of the Regional Council of Upper Normandy, Rouen, France
Columbus Art Museum, Columbus, OH
Rockford Art Museum, Rockford, IL
Detroit Institute of the Arts, Detroit, MI
Cleveland Art Museum, Cleveland, OH
Hsinchu Cultural Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
Museum, Beelden ann Zee, Scheveningen, Holland
National Liberty Museum, Philadelphia, PA
Bios Compiled From Hawk Galleries website (
Person TypeIndividual