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Jean Buescher Bartlett
Jean Buescher Bartlett
Jean Buescher Bartlett

Jean Buescher Bartlett

American, born 1956
(not assigned)Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, North America
Jean received her MFA in Book Arts from the University of Alabama in 1989. In her studio and bindery in Ann Arbor's Old West Side she produces limited edition, letterpress printed, illustrated books. Jean also teaches at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit as well as at the Penland School in North Carolina. Her work is in major collections worldwide including the New York Public Library and the Victoria Albert Museum.


Career Highlights
Following are selected highlights from Jean of her work experiences.

Over the past 17 years I have taught book arts classes in conservation labs, libraries, schools, and universities across the country. In my Ann Arbor studio I offer private and small group instruction on such topics as non-adhesive bindings, exposed sewing, book conception as a whole and ideation from the inside out, and box making and protective containers.

"Thank you for your efforts in developing the new course, Book Arts. I appreciate your inclusion of a variety of techniques and historical and contemporary contexts in the curriculum, and your emphasis on exhibition and research. Congratulations on your many professional achievements over the year."
-Bryan Rogers, Dean, The University of Michigan, School of Art & Design, July 14, 2008

Bloodroot Press Internship Program
In an effort to pass along techniques and practical career advice to interested students in the books arts, I accept up to two interns at a time to work with me side-by-side. Students and graduates of Adrian, Albion, Bard and Columbia College, MIT, Mills College, the Rhode Island School of Design, the University of Michigan and Wellesley have all participated in the program. More...

Binding Commissions
In 2005 the press and bindery were commissioned by book illustrator and author Tom Pohrt to make several all white portfolios and blank books. The portfolios were for his large, loose sketches. The blank books were made to specific trim sizes in order for Mr. Pohrt to conceive of the pairing of his text and illustrations to true scale. While he is working on a new book he finds it helpful to take these bound mock-ups to his editors in New York to be able to say to them something like - "This size book." or "An illustration like this running across a double page spread." They also serve as a sublime and archival way to house the ideation processes involved in his book projects.

Curating and Catalog Design
I have curated and installed book arts and fine art photography exhibitions and have written, designed, and hand-stitched catalogs for private galleries and public institutions. These include: the University of Michigan, Johns Hopkins University, and Siena Heights University. More...

I have regularly collaborated with paper makers, writers, photographers, weavers, printers, and calligraphers on my book projects. I have also welcomed invitations from others to collaborate. The Spring of 2003 I acted as project leader and designer for the 30th anniversary, handmade edition of Eclipse, an annual art and literary journal. My involvement included hand cutting linoleum blocks, printing them as cover imagery, and supervising a team of 15 to help bind and hand color the 89-page journal.

"Women Printers and the Private Press" slide lecture
In an ongoing research project, I have been visiting studios and compiling slides and biographical information from women letterpress printers. I have presented this lecture at numerous venues around the country in the last several years, most recently at Siena Heights University. This coincided with the exhibition that I curated, "Book Art: Carol Barton, Karen Kunc, and Walter Tisdale."
Person TypeIndividual
  • female