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Jim Lommasson
Jim Lommasson
Jim Lommasson

Jim Lommasson

BiographyJim Lommasson is a freelance photographer and author living in Portland, Oregon. Lommasson

received the Dorothea Lange-Paul Taylor Prize from The Center for Documentary Studies at Duke

University for his first book, Shadow Boxers: Sweat, Sacrifice & The Will To Survive In American

Boxing Gyms. He has worked on several series, included the 2015 book Exit Wounds: Soldiers’ Stories

– Life after Iraq and Afghanistan, profiles U.S. veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, and After

the Flood, focusing on the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. He received a Bachelor of Science from

Portland State University and held photography instruction positions at several universities in Oregon.

His works are in the collections of Hallie Ford Museum, George Eastman House, Museum of Fine Art,

St. Petersburg, FL, University of Oregon, and the Portland Art Museum. His photobooks also appear in

several collections, including Yale University, MoMA, Ohio University and the Library of Congress.
Person TypeIndividual